


To foster students to become professionals in the fields of Smart AI and Interactive Media Technology, who receive theoretical education and practical training; are able to solve problems; and have team spirits and global perspectives.


To foster students to become research and development professionals in the fields of Smart AI and Interactive Media Technology, who receive advanced theoretical education and practical training; are able to solve problems independently; and are able to communicate and negotiate skillfully as well as grasp global trend



  1. To foster students to become research and development professionals who have theoretical education and practical training
  2. To shape students to become research and development professionals who can solve problems independently and compose research papers
  3. To train students to become research and development professionals who can communicate and negotiate, and have global perspectives


  1. To foster students to become professionals who have theoretical education and practical training
  2. To shape students to become professionals who can analyze and solve problems
  3. To train students to become professionals who have team spirits and global perspectives

Core Competencies-


  1. Ability to apply wisely the knowledge of AI technology
  2. Ability to plan, execute and compose professional and research papers
  3. Ability to think creatively and solve problems
  4. Ability to communicate across professionals and cooperate in team works
  5. Ability to perceive the global trend in AI technology


  1. Ability to innovate and apply Information technology
  2. Ability to design and evaluate systems
  3. Ability to explore, analyze and solve problems
  4. Ability to communicate and cooperate in team works
  5. Ability to understand global AI technology trends